Spanish reading fluency practice for syllables and words!
This syllable and word reading mini-program (in Spanish) can be used to improve students' decoding and fluency. Students practice reading and rereading syllable or word "ladders."
The ladders are sequential and cover:
- Open syllables with two letters (sílabas abiertas con dos letras)
- 2-syllable words with open syllables (palabras de dos sílabas abiertas)
- 3-syllable words with open syllables (palabras de tres sílabas abiertas)
- Syllables with blends (sílabas trabadas)
- 2- and 3-syllable words with blends (palabras de dos y tres sílabas trabadas)
- Inverse and closed syllables (sílabas inversas y cerradas)
- 2- and 3-syllable words with open, closed, and inverse syllables, as well as syllables with blends (palabras de dos y tres sílabas abiertas, cerradas o inversas, y sílabas trabadas)
Students practice reading the syllables or words on a ladder several times, and then take a timed quiz. After they have mastered one ladder, they color in a picture on their mastery sheet. Once students have completed an entire mastery sheet (a complete level), they receive a special certificate.
These ladders are great for intervention, homework, and differentiating instruction. A parent letter with instructions is included. Additionally, a placement quiz and scoring guide is included to help you determine which ladder each of your students should begin studying.
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By: Learning At The Primary Pond