Rebreakable Boards
You can break boards! With Tiger Claw's Rebreakable Boards, you can learn how to break safely and easily, without the wasting your money on costly wood boards. Tiger Claw's Rebreakable Boards are designed by the World Champion Breaking Legend Dr. Dan Netherland. Features extra-wide handles and protective foam padding on both sides.
20-31K Extra Strong (Black 10" x 17" x 1")
20-31R Strong (Red 9" x 16" x 1/2")
20-31U Average (Blue 9" x 16 1/2" x 1/4")
20-31K Extra Strong (Black 10" x 17" x 1/2")
20-31R Strong (Red 9" x 16" x 1/3")
20-31U Average (Blue 9" x 16" x 1/4")